AI-driven tech tools enhance efficiency in agriculture sector: Blue Cocoon CEO

Shantanu Bhattacharya says his company’s AI-driven tools and services are designed to benefit agricultural communities globally

Update:2024-07-16 12:15 IST

Shantanu Bhattacharya, Managing Director, CEO, Blu Cocoon Digital (BCD)

He was neither born in the city, nor did he stay here in his early days. But his forefather did. He, nevertheless, always felt connected to the ‘city of joy’. And that’s why he came back to Kolkata at the peak of his professional career to pad up for his entrepreneurial innings. He set out on a mission to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence and digital throughout the food ecosystem. Envisioning a world where sustainably produced, healthy, affordable food is accessible to all, his company started working on to offer solutions that bring in the power of AI into the food value chain. Kolkata’s homegrown company is on an unstoppable mission to develop a range of services and products, in essence, bringing its goals and visions to fruition. He firmly believes that shortages in food, and providing access to healthy food across the world, are simply hurdles that need to be addressed to get to the next level: a greener, better future.

Speaking to Bizz Buzz exclusively, Shantanu Bhattacharya, Managing Director and CEO of Blu Cocoon Digital (BCD), explains how he and his entire team are burning midnight oils to usher in a world where lack of food is history, and every person can afford, and easily access good quality food, where wastage is reduced, and operations are carried out in a way that is sensitive and responsible towards the future of this planet.

When and how did the Blu Cocoon journey begin? Was that the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey as well?

Blu Cocoon Digital (BCD) was incorporated in January 2020 in Kolkata, but my entrepreneurial journey began long before that. After completing my Mechanical Engineering degree, I played a key role in establishing and successfully leading a manufacturing &construction business for six years. Observing the evolution of the global business landscape, I realized that information technology was poised to be the next major revolution. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of corporate culture to diversify my expertise, I transitioned from the construction business, handing over its reins to my partner, and ventured into the IT industry.

Over the next 20 years, I held various leadership roles in renowned IT organizations, including Patni Computer Systems, Xchanging, and Ingram Micro Inc. My expertise lay in developing diverse business models for these companies. The combination of my initial entrepreneurial experience and extensive corporate exposure inspired me to return to entrepreneurship. With a vision to create a substantial and positive societal impact, I founded Blu Cocoon Digital, aiming to leverage technology for transformative change.

Why this particular area?

I chose the information technology industry because of its diverse and far-reaching impact. IT is not confined to a single sector; rather, it serves as the backbone of virtually every industry. The knowledge and solutions developed within IT can be applied across various fields, from agriculture and manufacturing to finance and healthcare. This versatility and the potential to drive innovation and efficiency in numerous domains make IT an exciting and powerful industry to be part of. By working in IT, I can leverage technology to create transformative solutions that benefit a wide range of industries, ultimately contributing to broader societal advancements.

Is it a solution-driven company or product-driven, or both?

Both. While we provide services to other corporates, we have built our own AI-powered mobile app called AGRi360.

Blu Cocoon Digital is both a solution-driven and product-driven company. While we offer comprehensive services to other corporates, we have also developed our own AI-powered mobile app called AGRi360. This dual approach allows us to deliver tailored solutions to our clients while continuously innovating and enhancing our proprietary products to address industry-specific challenges.

How long did it take to develop the maiden product?

It took us two years to develop our maiden product, AGRi360. This period involved extensive research, development, and rigorous testing to ensure we created a robust and effective AI-powered solution for the agriculture sector.

At a time when many people are believed to have left the city, you are one who has come back to the city and started your business. How has been your experience of running a company/business in Kolkata?

Many people left the city to pursue their IT dreams in other locations, but for me, Kolkata has been incredibly welcoming. I've always believed that the talent and potential are right here, and by bringing opportunities to Kolkata, we can reverse the brain drain. This belief proved true in our case - we've been able to attract top talent from both the city and rural parts of West Bengal, which has laid a strong foundation for our organization.

My experience running a business here has been very positive. From forging key partnerships to navigating the banking system and leveraging the city's infrastructure support, Kolkata has provided an ideal environment for our business to thrive. The city's rich cultural heritage combined with its growing technological ecosystem has been instrumental in our growth and success.

Which are the areas/verticals you are focusing on now?

Agriculture Technology (AgTech): With our flagship product AGRi360, we are enhancing crop management and sustainability.

Digital Transformation Services: Offering comprehensive solutions to industries seeking to optimize operations and embrace digital innovation.

AI and Machine Learning Solutions: Developing advanced AI-driven tools for various applications, including predictive analytics and process automation.

Cloud Migration Services: Helping businesses transition to cloud-based infrastructures for enhanced scalability and efficiency.

These areas represent our strategic focus as we continue to innovate and provide impactful solutions across industries.

Can the same model be replicated in other areas with a little bit of tweaks?

Yes, the model we've developed at Blu Cocoon Digital can indeed be replicated in other areas with some adjustments. The core technology and methodology behind our solutions, such as AI-driven tools for data analysis and optimization, can be adapted to various industries and applications. By customizing our approach and solutions to meet the specific needs and challenges of different sectors, we can effectively replicate our success and provide tailored benefits across a diverse range of industries. This flexibility allows us to scale our impact and leverage our expertise in new and innovative ways.

Is your product/solution patented? Any other certification/recognition?

Patents: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) based computing system for calculating Toxicity Exposure Ratio (TER) in plants.System and method to differentiate between plant disease and plant mechanical injuries.Our product, AGRi360, is a registered trademark.

AGRi360 being one of your prime focus area, how do you plan to create the right kind of awareness among the targeted end-users?

To effectively raise awareness among our targeted end-users for AGRi360, Blu Cocoon Digital employs a multifaceted approach. We leverage robust digital marketing strategies encompassing targeted advertising, social media engagement, and educational content to reach farmers and agricultural stakeholders. Collaborations with agricultural associations, cooperatives, and government entities enhance our credibility and broaden our outreach. We conduct educational workshops, webinars, and live demonstrations to showcase the practical benefits of AGRi360 in optimizing crop management and sustainability.

Are you looking at the only Indian market with your product/solution or outside the country as well?

Blu Cocoon Digital is actively exploring opportunities beyond the Indian market for our products and solutions. While we have a strong focus on addressing the needs of the Indian agricultural sector with AGRi360, we also see significant potential in expanding internationally. Our scalable AI-driven tools and services are designed to benefit agricultural communities globally, offering solutions that enhance efficiency, sustainability, and productivity across various regions and climates. This global perspective aligns with our mission to deliver impactful innovations that transcend geographical boundaries and contribute to agricultural advancements worldwide.

Tell us something about your AI-driven solution for the F&B industry?

Our AI-driven solution for the Food & Beverage (F&B) industry focuses on revolutionizing recipe generation and food formulation. Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, we have developed a sophisticated solution that allows F&B companies to create customized recipes tailored to specific nutritional requirements, taste profiles, and market trends.

This innovative technology not only streamlines the recipe development process but also ensures consistency and quality in product formulations. By analysing vast datasets and applying machine learning algorithms, our solution enables rapid iteration and optimization of recipes, helping businesses innovate faster and meet consumer demands more effectively. This capability not only enhances product development but also supports sustainable practices by minimizing food waste and optimizing ingredient usage.


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