States must invest in elder care infrastructure to meet the rising demand: Vesta Elder Care

As India's elderly population continues to expand, there is a pressing need for comprehensive, compassionate, and accessible healthcare services, says Rahul Misra

Update:2024-08-26 13:48 IST

As India’s elderly population is projected to nearly double by 2050, reaching approximately 319 million, States like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are at a pivotal moment in shaping the future of elder healthcare. These regions face the challenge of accommodating a rapidly growing senior demographic while ensuring quality care and support. Addressing this need not only involves expanding healthcare services but also innovating with technology, enhancing accessibility, and fostering community-based support systems, says Rahul Misra, Founder of Delhi-based Vesta Elder Care. By prioritising these aspects, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana can lead the way in developing a comprehensive, compassionate, and forward-thinking approach to elder healthcare, he told Bizz Buzz in an exclusive interview

How would you describe the current state of elder healthcare services in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?

The current state of elder healthcare services in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is gradually evolving to meet the needs of an aging population. Both States have made strides in expanding healthcare infrastructure and introducing policies to support senior citizens. However, challenges remain, including limited accessibility in rural areas, inadequate geriatric care facilities, and a shortage of specialized healthcare professionals. The governments of both States are increasingly focusing on integrated elder care services, including home healthcare, telemedicine, and public-private partnerships, to address these gaps and ensure better healthcare outcomes for the elderly.

What are the most pressing challenges faced by elder care providers in these States today?

Elder care providers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, as well as pan India, face several significant challenges. A major issue is the insufficient infrastructure, especially in rural areas which limits access to specialised geriatric care. The shortage of trained healthcare professionals, including geriatricians and caregivers exacerbates this problem and affects the quality of care. Many elderly individuals also encounter difficulties with accessing and affording necessary healthcare services due to financial constraints and geographic isolation.

Additionally, managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, is a persistent challenge. Finally, the integration of various elder care services like medical, social, and emotional remains fragmented, making it difficult to provide comprehensive and coordinated care. Addressing these issues will require a collaborative approach involving both government initiatives and private sector investments.

Can you share emerging innovations in elder healthcare services in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?

We anticipate that Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will witness notable improvements in their elderly healthcare systems in the upcoming days. Since it allows for real-time health tracking and prompt responses, remote monitoring technology is projected to lay a significant role in improving safety and well-being. Furthermore, by offering companionship, helping with everyday tasks, and supporting caregivers, robot assistants are expected to have a significant impact. These developments will raise quality of life while also streamlining and individualising care. By using these state-of-the-art technology, we hope to provide the elderly with compassionate care and support, which will meet their needs more successfully

How effective have the current policies been in addressing the needs of the elderly population?

Government policies like the National Programme for the Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE) and the National Policy for Senior Citizens have been pivotal in addressing the needs of the elderly. These policies offer a wide range of benefits, including pensions, medical services, tax relief, and financial support for senior homes and care facilities. The Central Sector Scheme

Integrated Programme for Senior Citizens (IPSrC) further supports State governments and NGOs in providing essential services. While these initiatives have made significant strides, continued efforts are necessary to improve their effectiveness and accessibility for all elderly citizens.

How are mental health and emotional well-being being integrated into elder care services in these States?

In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, mental health and emotional well-being are increasingly being integrated into elder care services. Initiatives include the incorporation of counseling and psychological support within senior care facilities to address issues like depression, anxiety, and loneliness. These programs often offer activities designed to promote cognitive engagement and social interaction, which are vital for emotional health. Additionally, some facilities are beginning to integrate mental health professionals into their teams to provide specialized care and support. Community-based programs and outreach services also aim to reduce social isolation by facilitating social connections and providing support networks.

What is your vision for the future of elder healthcare in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?

The future of elder healthcare in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is poised for remarkable growth, driven by innovation and government initiatives. As the India senior living market is projected to grow from $11.16 billion in 2024 to $17.99 billion by 2029, there is a pressing need for quality healthcare services tailored to the elderly. Our vision includes expanding specialised elder care facilities, integrating technology for remote monitoring, and fostering a community-based support system. By prioritizing both physical and mental well-being, we aim to create a robust, compassionate healthcare ecosystem for seniors in these regions.

How will Vesta Elder Care advocate for better elder care policies and support in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?

Through active engagement with government agencies and community leaders, Vesta Elder Care will continue to be at the forefront of advocating for better elder care policies in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. We will concentrate on advocating for laws that guarantee the availability of skilled caregivers, support home-based elder care services, and improve access to high-quality healthcare. Additionally, Vesta will run awareness efforts to draw attention to the special requirements of the elderly and advocate for a healthcare system that is more inclusive and senior-friendly. Through harnessing technology and promoting provider cooperation, Vesta hopes to create a long-lasting elder care ecosystem in these States.

What opportunities do you see for Vesta Elder Care to further innovate and improve elder care in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana?

Vesta Elder Care has significant opportunities to further innovate and improve elder care in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. One key area is the integration of remote health monitoring which enables continuous care for seniors, especially in rural regions. Moreover, Vesta can expand its caregiver training programs to increase the availability of skilled professionals. By embracing AI-driven solutions for personalized care plans and fostering community support networks, Vesta can enhance the quality of life for the elderly in these States.

Can you share what some examples of personalised care plans that Vesta Elder Care will implement for its clients in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana might look like?

Future individualised care plans will be available throughout India, including Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, from Vesta Elder Care. These plans will probably include quarterly diagnostic checks, remote vitals monitoring, AI health monitoring, 24/7 emergency ambulance access, and home visits by an elder care manager. These customised services will be created to match the particular requirements of every customer, fusing cutting-edge technology with kind attention. With this all-encompassing strategy, seniors across the nation will be guaranteed the assistance they require to preserve their general well-being, independence, and health.

What sets Vesta Elder Care apart from other elder care providers?

Vesta Elder Care stands out from other elder care providers due to its comprehensive and personalised approach to senior care. Unlike many providers, Vesta offers a full spectrum of services, from compassionate elder care companions to advanced ICU setups at home, ensuring that every aspect of an elderly persons' need is met. Their commitment to integrating technology, such as telemedicine and remote monitoring, enhances accessibility and quality of care. We are sure that our focus on caregiver training ensures that clients receive support from highly skilled professionals. This holistic, client-centered approach positions Vesta as a leader in elder care across India.

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