This is why women must have Vitamin-C rich food

Why Should Women Consume Vitamin-C Rich Food?
Supports Immune System
To fortify the body's defence against infections and illnesses, vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system.
Aids in the Synthesis of Collagen
Vitamin C is critical for maintaining skin elasticity, wound healing, and overall skin health, as it helps to synthesise collagen.
Antioxidant Properties
As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C assists in neutralising harmful free radicals in the body, reducing the likelihood of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart ailments.
Iron Absorption Properties
This is especially crucial for women who may be at risk of iron deficiency, as vitamin C improves the absorption of non-heme iron from plant-based sources.
Improved Bone Health
Vitamin C facilitates bone tissue formation and maintenance and contributes to the prevention of conditions such as osteoporosis.
Improved Heart Health
The consumption of foods that are high in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease by enhancing cardiovascular health and lowering LDL cholesterol levels.
Reduction in stress
Vitamin C regulates cortisol levels in the body, which can help mitigate stress and its detrimental effects on health.
Improved Fertility
Adequate vitamin C levels in women are linked to enhanced fertility, as they contribute to the maintenance of the reproductive system's health.