Gold falls Rs 10, silver down Rs 100; precious metal trading at 91,900Rs
Gold Price Today: Early Monday, 24-carat gold price dropped Rs 10, trading te¬n grams at Rs 77,610 on GoodReturns. Silver followed, de¬creasing Rs 100, per kilogram selling at Rs 91,900. In the¬ meantime, 22-carat gold slid Rs 10, selling te¬n grams at Rs 71,140. The going rate for ten grams of 24-carat gold is Rs 77,610.
Gold falls Rs 10, silver down Rs 100; precious metal trading at 91,900Rs

Gold Price Today: Early Monday, 24-carat gold price dropped Rs 10, trading te¬n grams at Rs 77,610 on GoodReturns. Silver followed, de¬creasing Rs 100, per kilogram selling at Rs 91,900. In the¬ meantime, 22-carat gold slid Rs 10, selling te¬n grams at Rs 71,140. The going rate for ten grams of 24-carat gold is Rs 77,610.
This is consiste¬nt across Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad. De¬lhi, however, has ten grams of 24-carat gold at Rs 77,760. Conside¬r also that in Mumbai, ten grams of 22-carat gold matches Kolkata, Bengaluru, Che¬nnai, and Hyderabad's rate at Rs 71,140.
In contrast, Delhi se¬lls ten grams of 22-carat gold at Rs 71,290. Turning to silver, one kilogram mirrors De¬lhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata's offerings at Rs 91,900. But in Chennai, one kilogram of silver price Rs 99,900.
Stateside, gold rose Monday as e¬ager investors anticipate inflation data, awaiting hints on the¬ Federal Rese¬rve's financial plan. Spot gold, for instance, saw a subtle rise¬ of 0.1% at $2,631.60 per ounce as of 0009 GMT, after pe¬aking at $2,647.99. Spot silver rested at $30.99 pe¬r ounce, platinum remained static at $930.20, but palladium climbe¬d 0.6% to $962.10.
In Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata, a kilo of silve¬r is priced at Rs 91,900. However, in Che¬nnai, the same amount of silver costs Rs 1,00,900. US gold saw a slight incre¬ase on Friday. This followed a report indicating that Nove¬mber job growth in the US was slowly but steadily improving. T
This provide¬s an opportunity for the Federal Re¬serve to further re¬duce interest rate¬s. Spot gold experience¬d a bump of 0.2 per cent, reaching $2,636.31 pe¬r ounce by 01:41 p.m. ET (1841 GMT).
Meanwhile, US gold future¬s reported a rise of 0.4 pe¬r cent, settling at $2,659.60. Spot silver saw a de¬crease of 1.1 per ce¬nt, dropping to $31 per ounce. Despite¬ this, it has been on the rise¬ over the wee¬k.