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The new fine dining trends that will attract diners now and hereafter

Macroeconomic forces have impacted consumer spending over the last three years

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The new fine dining trends that will attract diners now and hereafter

22 Jun 2024 7:19 AM GMT

The restaurant landscape in 2024 will favour establishments embracing the consumer-driven trends around sustainability, technology, customisation, and experiential dining. By keeping pace with changing demands and industry advancements, restaurants can thrive in the coming years

The restaurant industry is constantly changing. By leveraging data, restaurant owners and managers can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and market trends. These allow you to make informed decisions that can help serve your guests better and boost profitability. Whether you are a seasoned restaurateur or a fresh entrepreneur, understanding guest preferences can help you thrive in this ever-competitive industry.

Whether you plan to spend your Friday night at a quality house party, in your favorite nightclub or bar hopping with your best friends, you deserve this night. People need party nights; all over the world. In Germany, for instance, over 75% of the population goes out at least once a week, whereas 10% even live it up thrice a week.

The culinary scene in India is booming with new restaurants, pop-ups and collaborations that have gone beyond mere sit-down dinners. Whether you’re going to a fine dining restaurant or heading for a casual dining scene, bringing an unforgettable experience to the diner has become the prime focus of every culinary venture. With travelling to different destinations becoming more accessible, restaurants are aware of their guests’ discerning and evolving palates. It is all there: The choice between looking for value and looking to splurge; a desire for personalization and the need for a seamless mobile ordering journey.

All of these are driving the restaurant industry in 2024 as diner expectations and experiences continue to evolve. The signs were there in 2023, when the industry saw a blending of “dining out” and “ordering in” as more consumers looked to have the restaurant experience in their homes. This was a natural consumer evolution from post-pandemic habits formed over the past few years. People continued to want the dining experience, so they changed how they spent.

Today, while consumers are largely returning to normal habits, some behaviors have been permanently altered. In 2024, restaurants will focus on elevating their online sites and apps, rebooting their loyalty efforts, growing in-house delivery programs, optimizing their digital presence and implementing more measures to meet rising expectations for a personalized experience.

The global restaurant industry will see most of these trends strengthen this year, with many still showing plenty of opportunity.

Macroeconomic forces have impacted consumer spending over the last three years. Where higher interest rates, rising prices and growing energy costs reduced consumers’ ability to spend and lowered consumer confidence, a thriving jobs market, wage growth and excess savings effectively balanced those impacts. Through it all, a resilient and empowered consumer emerged.

Faced with a tightening wallet, consumers prioritized experiences over things, providing a boost to restaurant sales. While pent-up demand for experiences may start to rebalance to pre-pandemic levels in 2024, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which measures in-store and online retail sales across both cash and card and all tender types, the restaurant industry will likely continue its growth, albeit at a more tempered pace.

Consumers have started seeking different and unique dining experiences, whether that means a fine dining night out where the menu highlights seasonal ingredients, or a fast-food livestream where thousands of viewers eat along at home. However, pressures on their food-away-from-home budget pushes diners to make careful choices on how they meet their own personal needs.

Brands will need to carefully balance value offers to ensure that they drive profitable traffic. By measuring their impact on margin, they can see whether consumers are also buying full priced items and whether value items drive return visits. While some value offers may offer smaller profit, success in the form of increased sales and traffic indicate that value is what consumers want today.

Restaurants face some challenges in 2024, like labour costs, which are only expected to rise with recent minimum wage increases in 22 states and continued low unemployment. Although restaurant unemployment rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels, many workers will see a wage increase and other benefits.

The restaurant landscape in 2024 will favour establishments embracing the consumer-driven trends around sustainability, technology, customisation, and experiential dining. By keeping pace with changing demands and industry advancements, restaurants can thrive in the coming years. Those who rigidly cling to the status quo risk falling behind the competition.

Technology continues to be a powerful tool for improving operational efficiency in restaurants. From inventory management to customer relationship management, tech solutions help optimize various aspects of restaurant operations.

As we look toward the future, it's clear that the trends shaping the restaurant industry in 2024 are geared towards innovation, sustainability, and customer engagement. By embracing these trends, restaurants can thrive in this dynamic environment.

Restaurant Industry Trends Customer Behavior Dining Experience Sustainability Consumer Spending Digital Presence Experiential Dining 
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