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Decks cleared for administrative allocation of satellite spectrum

The DOT plans to notify the detailed rules under the Telecommunication Act 2023, within 100 days of the new government taking charge

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Decks cleared for administrative allocation of satellite spectrum

6 Jun 2024 9:22 AM GMT

The provision of allocation of spectrum for satellite services through administrative process (and not through auction) as per Telecommunications Act 2023 has finally brought down the curtain on the heated and prolonged debate of auction vis a vis administrative process for the allocation of satellite spectrum. TRAI conducted an elaborate and long consultation process with all the stakeholders in this regard before the enactment of Telecommunication Act 2023. Global satellite service providers and Airtel’s stand before TRAI was that the satellite gateway spectrum should be allotted through the administrative route pegged at standard pricing in line with the global practices adopted. Reliance Jio's argument before TRAI was that satellite spectrum allocation should be done via auction method only, mentioning that the auction route would be in line with the Supreme Court judgement in 2012 (that had backed allocation of airwaves via transparent auctions) and any other method will be in violation of Supreme Court verdict.

As per Telecommunication act 2023, spectrum assignment is through auction except for entries listed in the schedule 1 for which assignment shall be done by administrative process. The schedule 1 includes national security and defence, law enforcement, public broadcasting, disaster management, meteorological department, use by Centra, State governments, maritime connectivity, space research, BSNL/MTNL etc, and where auction of spectrum is not the preferred mode of assignment due to technical or economic reasons (like satellite services). Because of the technical challenges, no country has adopted an auction route for the allocation of satellite spectrum.

The DOT plans to notify the detailed rules under the Telecommunication Act 2023, within 100 days of the new government taking charge. An inter ministerial committee may be formed for this purpose. These rules will also cover spectrum allotment for satellite communications. DOT will take inputs from TRAI which inturn will take the views from various stakeholders. TRAI will begin new consultations after DOT provides the Terms of Reference (TOR). Apart from the methodology of allocation, the TOR will be (1) Frequencies that will be used by user terminals and satellite gateways (2) The pricing of satellite spectrum (3) The terms and conditions to be met by satellite operators with regards to national security. Government has communicated to stakeholders that a level playing field will be maintained while considering the administrative allocation. Spectrum proposed to be allotted administratively for satellite services are meant only for point to point connection and not for direct transmission of services to retail customers. The rules that will be framed are expected to define the exact conditions for satellite spectrum usage.

Players interested in launching satellite-based broadband

Bharati backed Eutelsat Oneweb, Elon Musk backed Starlink which is satellite broadband arm of SpaceX, Amazon’s Kuiper and Reliance Jio’s Satellite arm JIO Space Limited are keen to launch satellite-based broadband services in India. DOT has already granted Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) services licences to them. They are eager to launch the service early to get the first mover advantage.

Eutelsat Oneweb will use a combination of Geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) fleet of satellites. It is the only co¬mpany to possess both constellations of GEO and LEO. It can combine the network density and high throughput of GEO satellites with the low latency and ubiquity of LEO satellites to offer fully integrated connectivity. Jio Space Limited will provide service using Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites belonging to Luxembourg-based satellite telecommunications network provider SES.

BSNL has vast experience in the satellite field. It is hoped that BSNL will also, in the long run, offer satellite based broadband services by leasing bandwidth from satellite operators and using its earth station gateway at Ghaziabad.

Frequency bands used

Ku band (12.5 GHz to 18 GHz) and Ka band (26.5 Ghz to 40 GHz) are used in LEO satellite service.

Way forward

Even though the miscellaneous application filed by the government in the Supreme Court for allowing administrative allocation of spectrum in special cases, including for satellite communications, is not accepted, the government wants to go ahead with the allocation of satellite spectrum through administrative process. Administrative allocation reduces costs for satellite players compared to the competitive auction process. As the usage of satellite spectrum increases, its value will increase and the government may review the allotment methodology in future.

Out of nearly 1.4 billion people in India, around 40 per cent do not have reliable internet access, primarily in rural and remote areas. These areas include the Himalayan belt, large parts of the Northeast, Andaman & Nicobar islands and Laksha¬d¬weep islands, heavily forested regions and the Ghats. Satellite medium is the only viable option there for providing broadband service. In addition, satellite links can serve as backhaul for terrestrial mobile communication networks and provide the much needed communication facilities during natural disasters.

The theme for the World Telecom and Information Society Day 2024 is ‘The power of digital innovation in advancing sustainable development and prosperity for all’. It stresses that the fruits of digital innovation should be enjoyed by all, regardless of their location. Let us hope that satellite-based broadband services will be launched soon in our country which will help to bridge the digital divide experienced by the people in rural and remote areas.

(The author is a former Advisor, Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India)

spectrum satellite DoT Telecommunication Act 2023 
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