Artificial intelligence is after your password, you could be next!
Home Security Heroes published a study on PassGAN, or Password Generative Adversarial Network, which uses artificial intelligence to crack an over 15 million compiled password list.
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Home Security Heroes published a study on PassGAN, or Password Generative Adversarial Network, which uses artificial intelligence to crack an over 15 million compiled password list.
According to the company, PassGAN can generate "multiple password properties while improving the quality of predicted passwords", which makes it easier for cybercriminals to crack passwords.
51 percent of the commonly used passwords, 65 percent were cracked in less than an hour, 71 percent in less than a day and 81 percent in less than a month.
Any password with less than six or fewer characters was instantly cracked and any password under 12 characters that only had numerals was also instantly cracked.
A password with seven characters took PassGAN under six minutes to crack, even if it included special characters. Passwords with more than 18 characters were safe against PassGAN, as it would take the tool 10 months to crack numerical passwords or six quintillion years to crack passwords with special characters.