Novel AI-Assessment Tool For Students Launched
India prepares to creates future-ready workforce in newer careers and advanced technology
Novel AI-Assessment Tool For Students Launched

Bengaluru: As India gears up to create a future-ready workforce in new-er careers and emerging technologies, AI-enabled talent assessment and hiring plat-form HireMee on Wednesday launched a new tool to assist students make informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.
The Bengaluru-based company introduced the Career Navigation Assessment, a sci-entifically designed tool to assist students in Classes X, XI and XII (aged 14-18 years) by mapping their unique personality traits, aptitudes, and interests to potential career paths.
“This innovative psychometric assessment meets the growing need for personalised career guidance, offering students a reliable, engaging, and actionable solution to nav-igate this formative phase of their lives,” said Venkatraman Umakanth, SVP and Head, HireMee.
The online test can be taken at any time convenient for a student at home, with the de-tailed report emailed soon thereafter, according to the company. The assessment uses immersive, real-life scenarios to engage students in a way that reduces social desirabil-ity bias and encourages truthful and thoughtful responses.
These scenarios promote critical thinking and ensure accurate insights into students’ natural preferences and abilities. By combining these elements, the assessment gen-erates tailored career recommendations that resonate with each student’s strengths, aspirations, and motivations.
“Guided by the principle that Indian youth deserve to follow a career aligned with their aspirations, the panel was chosen to ensure diversity in expertise, capturing varied perspectives on content relevance and cultural appropriateness,” said Chocko Val-liappa, Vice Chairman, Sona Group of Institutions and CEO, Vee Technologies.