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IT cos set to resume hiring from Q2FY25
Wipro Q4 net dips 8% to Rs 2,835 cr
Expat CEOs struggle to lead Indian IT majors?
Wipro's new CEO pledges to lead company into next phase of growth
Wipro’s change of guard may inspire many top Indian firms to follow suit
Uphill task ahead of new CEO at Wipro
Top line pressure continues for IT cos in Q4
Vital to remain vigilant about deepfakes in global election year: Wipro’s Global Privacy Officer
IT stocks tumble amid Accenture’s slashing guidance
Wipro collaborates with US-based Nutanix for launching new multi-cloud business unit
Wipro launches platform to offer enterprise-level AI services to clients
Eco Buzz
Wipro acquires majority stake in Insurtech firm, Aggne Global for $66 million