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Budget 205-26: FDI limit for insurance sector raised to 100 per cent
News Capsules
Insurance sector sees 62% Surge in Female Salespersons in FY24: Report
India’s insurance sector growth surpasses China, Thailand: McKinsey
LIC shares climb 3%
LIC shares surge 80% in 1 year
Telangana State
Now CASHe to offer insurance broking services
It will be a quarter of growth and mixed profitability for insurers
Can India become an insured society by 2047?
Progress in AI marks new phase of disruption in insurance sector
IRDAI's Silver Jubilee: Empowering India's Insurance Future
Eco Buzz
SBI General appoints Desai as Business Head - Corporate
Indian Life Insurance Industry Outlook In the next 3 to 5 years