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Cabinet approves Rs 37,216 crore subsidy for fertilizers to help farmers in Kharif season
Tur Procurement At MSP Runs Over 1.3L Tonne
Paddy acreage up 4% so far this Kharif season on good monsoon rains
Paddy sowing up 4.29% so far in 2024-25 kharif season
The ‘golden fibre’ tag must prompt govt to bailout jute industry
SBI GI announces Crop Insurance Week awareness campaign this Kharif Season
Kshema unveils crop insurance in AP, TG
Mahindra gears up for higher demand of rotavators in TG, AP
MSPs deliver 50% returns to farmers over production cost
Congress’ ploy to cheat people exposed again, says T’gana BJP
Punjab offers machines to check stubble burning