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Andhra Pradesh
Two Teams From IIT Madras win NTPC Regional Round Quiz
IIT-M Launches Bharat Cancer Genome Atlas To Boost Research In Treatment
IIT-M to host Hyperloop competition
IIT-M, CMC Vellore Develop Affordable Indigenous Robot For Rehabilitation
Bizz Talk
Telangana, Andhra Should Focus More On Startups To Drive IT Growth: JA Chowdary
IIT Madras To Develop Next-Gen Amoled Displays For Digital Devices
News Capsules
IIT Madras Partners with Hindustan Zinc to Develop Adv Zinc-Air Battery Tech
IIT Madras’ New AI-Based Ultrasound Scanner To Detect Sports Injury On-Field
IIT Madras partners with IDBI to launch cybersecurity lab
IIT Madras unveils tech-driven initiatives to help India become a global chess powerhouse
IIT Madras to organise sports tech startup conclave in Delhi
India produced 40 quantum technology startups