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Gastronomic tourism: Menu becoming the new travel map
Rs25-trn credit gap in MSME space holds big biz potential
Bizz Talk
Despite all difficulties, homeopathy continues to gain popularity in India
GCCs poised to churn 3.64 lakh jobs in 2023
Govt brings sunrise sectors under NIC codes
Indian IT & biz services market reaches over $7 bn
Global Industry 4.0 market set to reach $219.8 bn by 2026
Italy luring Bollywood for tourism promotion
Facility management mkt to grow at CAGR of 20% in next 5 yrs: SILA
Eco Buzz
IRDAI for academia & industry coming together to discuss issues
Quality standards can help India create bigger footprints in global spice mkt
Automation is the first step toward large-scale optimization across the board