Modi’s Weak Response To US Shows India In Poor Light
If inhuman deportation of our citizens is any indicator, the relationship with US going to be jerky
Modi’s Weak Response To US Shows India In Poor Light

Despite an apparent attempt on the part of the Modi government, the media flashed, at least, some news about the deportation of illegal immigrants to India. Several newspapers have dared to publish the details of the 40-hour ordeal of Indians, mostly youth, on a US military plane
Despite an apparent attempt on the part of the Modi government, the media flashed, at least, some news about the deportation of illegal immigrants to India. Several newspapers have dared to publish the details of the 40-hour ordeal of Indians, mostly youth, on a US military plane. Though it is almost impossible for most of us to get to the bottom of their hearts, we can feel their pain if we understand their crisis. They had given all their money and energy to get entry into the USA. They're coming back, too; that too, in such a humiliating condition would kill their self-confidence. The response of the Modi government has just done the rest of the worst. They were greeted with contempt at the airport and were sent to their native places as prisoners.
The statement of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on the issue only reveals that his ministry collaborated with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the USA in the process.
"Deportations by the US are organised and executed by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) authorities. The standard operating procedure for deportation by aircraft used by ICE has been effective since 2012. I repeat, that is effective from 2012 and provides for the use of restraints. However, we have been informed by ICE that women and children are not restrained. Further, the needs of deportees, including during transit, related to food and other necessities, including possible medical emergencies, are attended to. During toilet breaks, deportees are temporarily unrestrained if needed in that regard”, Jaishankar told Parliament.
He endorses the whole process and is satisfied with the execution. He approves of the deportees' handcuffing and accepts it as a part of the Standard Operating Procedure. His statement displays the contempt with which the Modi government sees these citizens. It means he shares the contempt the Trump government nurtures for the immigrants. How can we expect the Modi government to speak for the deportees?
The response of other affected countries to the American action against illegal immigrants is revealing. Most of them refused deportation by military planes and forced the Trump government to send them by civilian flights. It is not difficult to understand that the responses came out of the feeling these governments have for their citizens. Colombian President Gustavo Petro said, “The US cannot treat Colombian migrants as criminals. I disallow the entry of US planes carrying Colombian migrants into our territory.”
His statement came while two US flights were to arrive in Colombia. The flights had to go back because entry was denied. Petro only agreed to accept deportation flights if they are not military planes. The planes of the Colombian Air Force were sent to bring back its citizens. The Colombian president received them at the airport. He told the deportees that they were free and had reached their motherland. He asked them not to worry about their future; the government would help them to rebuild it.
Photographs shared by President Petro on social media reveal how migrants were treated with dignity. There was no handcuffing, no chaining.
What is the reason behind the weak Indian response to a harsh and inhuman US action? Apart from the opportunistic politics of the ruling BJP, the latter’s adherence to a retrogressive ideology is responsible for the timidity. The Modi government is not keen on maintaining its relationship with the USA based on equal footing. It wants to keep the US happy at any cost. Ideology guides policymaking. How can a party that treats Bangladeshis and Rohingyas with disdain and indignity stand for its migrants in other countries? The RSS ideology forbids being compassionate to the weaker people of its own country or religion. The right wing will do the same regardless of country and religion.
However, there are other compulsions too. Prime Minister Modi is going to the USA, and this would be his first meeting with Trump during his second term. He is giving signals that he would not hesitate to take harsh steps against India. It is also possible that he wants India to endorse its policies towards China and Russia. Trump may also try to force India to adopt an anti-Iran policy. Can India save itself from joining an unconditional alliance with the USA? Many people argue that we are not left with any option other than to become an unconditional follower of the USA. They think this is the best way of countering China. If the inhuman deportation of our citizens is any indicator, the relationship with the USA is going to be jerky. They have shown utter disrespect to our citizens.
Could Jaishankar defend the USA in the Indian Parliament? The answer is a big no. He could not defend the action even after all his efforts because it could not be. Jaishankar wanted to impress upon the lawmakers that what has been done is not new. He placed before Parliament the data of deportations during the Manmohan Singh government and tried to show that current action is also similar in nature. He misses the point. Earlier there was no military plane. The Biden administration had also refrained from hyping the event and avoided any embarrassment to India. Trump is using the deportation as a whipping stick to humiliate nations.
We should also keep in mind that Trump blames immigrants for crime and violence. However, he is wrong.
“A robust body of research shows that welcoming immigrants into American communities not only does not increase crime but can strengthen public safety. Immigrants—including undocumented immigrants—are less likely to commit crimes than the US-born. This is true at the national, state, county, and neighborhood levels, and for both violent and non-violent crime,” says the rights organization the American Immigration Council.
It says that the data show that as the immigrant share of the population grew, the crime rate declined. The Modi government needs an ideological revamp to stand before the USA.
(The author is a senior journalist. He has experience of working with leading newspapers and electronic media including Deccan Herald, Sunday Guardian, Navbharat Times and Dainik Bhaskar. He writes on politics, society, environment and economy)