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Kamal's party unveils 7-pt agenda for environment

Party formulates regulations for harvesting ground water

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Kamal’s party unveils 7-pt agenda for environment

4 Jan 2021 3:32 PM GMT

Chennai: Establishing a circular economy, enforcing pollution standards, strict groundwater regulations and having an environment atlas are part of the seven-point agenda of the Kamal Haasan promoted Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) party, that was announced on Monday. As per the seven-point agenda for the environment, the MNM announced that it would establish a circular economy, where recycling and reuse will be a norm for water, plastic and e-waste. "Incentivise production of non-plastic alternatives by household industries and Self-Help Groups," the party said.

The party said all pollution monitoring data will be published as a continuous stream through "OCEMS - Online Continuous Emission and Monitoring Systems" as per the Supreme Court directive of 2017.

In order to regulate the exploitation of ground water, the party said it would bring a comprehensive and stringent groundwater regulation for large-scale harvesting of ground water. This will be implemented to safeguard the interests of local communities, farmers and future generations. Wetland rules will be amended to ensure protection of local water bodies like lakes and other waterways. A statewide environmental atlas will be developed for the industrial sites on the lines of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) siting criteria for industries while encouraging green industries. According to MNM, "Local Area Environment Committees" involving local community activists, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board and District Administration, will be set up in pollution hotspots to monitor industrial compliance of pollution standards.

"Bringing in behavioural change in people for respecting the eco-systems will be instilled through sensitisation," the party said. The party had earlier announced its seven-point economic agenda. (IANS)

Kamal Haasan OCEMS Makkal Needhi Maiam Central Pollution Control Board Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board 
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