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Has Maneka threatened B'luru bizman?

Audio clip of alleged talk between Menaka Gandhi, bizman has gone viral

image for illustrative purpose

Maneka Gandhi

6 Jan 2021 9:55 PM IST

Bengaluru: A 4.54 minute audio clip has surfaced on social media sites where BJP Sultanpur MP and former Union minister Maneka Gandhi allegedly threatens Bengaluru businessman, Ramalingam to book him in a sexual harassment case after a news of Ramalingam hitting stray dog with a cricket bat reaches her.

According to the police, Ramalingam reportedly hit the dog after it bit his daughter two days ago. "This was opposed by his neighbour, Nitin and his friend Malati. This episode led to full blown arguments between residents of Crescent Road. Malati filed a complaint against Ramalingam and Ramalingam too filed case against her. We registered both the complaints," a police officer said.

In the audio clip, Maneka Gandhi purportedly threatens him by asking animal activists to file sexual harassment case against him if he attacks stray dogs or animals again.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Sub-division) MN Anuchet told this reporter that the Highgrounds police has filed a Non-Cognizable Report (NCR) against Ramalingam as well as animal activist Malati and Nitin on January 2. "However, we have not received any formal complaint against the purported audio clip which is doing rounds in the social media and has not come to our notice. If anyone comes forward and files a complaint, we will take up that case," he said in response to a question.

This correspondent's efforts to reach Ramalingam, could not materialise as his phone was switched off.

"Dog has bit my daughter and it has chased my son"

Excerpts of the detailed conversation is as follows...(the veracity of the clip could not be independently verified)

Maneka Gandhi: Hello

Ramalingam: Hello...Good morning madam

Maneka: Mr Ramalingam, I have received a lot of complaints about your behaviour. Now...I am going to speak to the MLA, corporator and to the BJP you understand?

Ramalingam: Madam....actually...

Maneka (Cuts in): I don't want goondas...I don't want goondas in this area.

Ramalingam: True madam, true..true...madam...but...

Maneka (Cuts in): You will not harass...I will put sexual harassment case against you. You are harassing Malati Shah, you are harassing Nitin. You are going place to place talking nonsense. You are known as local goonda. You are jobless. Trying to get into politics, harass people through that. Do you understand?

Ramalingam: Sorry madam.

Maneka: I will cut off your entire thing with the BJP. You can't use BJP to sort out your goonda issues. Do you understand Ramalingam?

Ramalingam: No I didn't get actually the real facts...maybe if you go through real facts madam, first go through the facts madam.

Maneka: I know facts of the case and you have been taking out the bat and hitting dogs.

Ramalingam: Madam sorry, I didn't hit the dog with the bat but pushed it that too in self protection and nothing happened to the dog.

Maneka: You did took out the bat and hit a dog for no reason.

Ramalingam: No...sorry has bit my daughter and it has chased my son also, sorry madam... sorry madam.

Maneka: Dog did not bite your daughter...You are a you understand?

Ramalingam: No madam I have proof of dog biting my daughter and please...

Maneka: You are total liar and scoundrel....half the time you are drunk and you get the drunken people to harass the women. Now I will put the women molestation case against you.

Ramalingam (Cuts in): Madam...I am ready to give my blood test for alcohol can get it checked if you want it...

Maneka: You can give blood or not... am not interested...what am interested is that you behave yourself.

Ramalingam: Ok...ok... I will do that...

Maneka: If you hit a single animal or throw your weight around with just watch it....I am telling you that....

Ramalingam: Madam listen to me....Nitin and Malati are leaving dogs on bite....

Maneka: Nobody is leaving any dog on you to you understand it? you rascal...

Ramalingam: are looking in a one way traffic...please look both ways (please look this case from both sides) pleas listen to me...

Maneka: There is no one way you want me to speak to the police officer? you want me to speak to...

Ramalinagam: Madam...I am also animal lover...please look this case in both ways....sorry madam I expected you to more (impartial) are completely taking their are listening only to them....listen to me as well....I had 40 cows...I know what animal love means.....I am a total vegetarian...

Maneka: I know you had 40 cows....did you sell those cows to a butcher?

Ramalingam: I am a total vegetarian...Nitin is non-vegetarian.....he eats beef you know about that?

Maneka: Ramalingam...will you be quiet, when am speaking to you?

Ramalingam: Ok madam...please tell me...please carry on....

Maneka: You will not have any will not threaten will not be a local goonda...and now I am informing the corporator....that you are a character living there...I will inform the police also...any instance you will go to jail....

Ramalingam: Ok madam ...ok madam...

Maneka: Alright...if you want to stay in your position...then you need to be quiet and gentle...

Ramalingam: Madam...I expect you to say the same to them (Nitin and Malati) also...I understood what you told...if it is my fault I agree...

Maneka: You damn......Listen to me...You own a dog right?, keep the dog tied all time...that dog will be taken away from you tonight?

Ramalingam: I don't keep my dog tied all the time...

Maneka: You keep the dog tied all the time.....You take it out only five minutes in the morning and evening that's all...I know that....

Ramalingam: I am very sorry madam...I have kept my dog free...I allow it to roam around freely...they have given you wrong are believing them... I am very sorry...

Maneka: Yes I belive them...I don't believe you...

Ramalingam: I thought Maneka Gandhi madam is something...big

Maneka: I am not interested in what you think about me...Ramalingam...I don't like goondas...I don't like goonds in BJP.

Ramalingam: You can ask anybody...who is goonda...who is not goonda...

Maneka: You are a goonda...

Ramalingam: Listen to are a reputed person...

Maneka: You are scoundrel...

Ramalingam: Just because someone says (calls) me scoundrel...I don't become one...

Maneka: You are are too...

Ramalingam: Ok ...ok

Maneka: You called this ...woman ...harass and you talk nonsense about dog...just be quiet...

Ramalingam: You just got cooked up have not the detailed story about what has happened here...Girl (Malati) doesn't have any work in our business at 9:30 at did she come to our area...why did she come to our area?

Maneka: That is not your father's you understand unemployed good for nothing....

Ramalingam: Ok sorry madam....

Maneka: She can any time she wants and anytime she likes...she can feed animals.. it's not your father's area....she comes to feed animals...she comes to feed there.

Maneka Gandhi Ramalingam Bengaluru 
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