TSPSC Group II Admit Card Releasing Today: Check The Official Website
The TGPSC Group 2 admit card 2024 was announced today on the official website.
TSPSC Group II Admit Card Releasing Today

The Telangana Police Service Commission is all set to release the Group II admit card today, December 9, 2024. Candidates who are entering the exam will be able to download the hall ticket by visiting the official website, tspsc.gov.in.
How to download it:
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the option "Download Hall Ticket For Group-II Services"
Step 3: Now fill in the login details
Step 4: Click on the submit button, and your admit card will be displayed
Step 5: Check the admit card and download the page
According to TSPSC, "The Group-II examination (objective type) will be held in the 1368 identified test centres in 33 districts on December 15 and 16, 2024, in two shifts."
"Candidates would be permitted into the examination centre from 08:30 AM onwards for the FN session and 1:30 PM onwards for the AN session. The examination centre gates will be closed by 9:30 AM for the FN session and 2:30 PM for the AN session, and no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after the closing of the gates................ The candidates are advised to go through the instructions printed on their hall ticket without fail," officials added.