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Stock Brokers To Offer UPI-Based Fund Blocking

3-in-1 account to investors from Feb 1

Stock Brokers To Offer UPI-Based Fund Blocking

Stock Brokers To Offer UPI-Based Fund Blocking

3 Oct 2024 1:09 PM IST

New Delhi: Starting February 1, qualified stock brokers will have to either offer the facility of trading in the secondary market using the UPI-based block mechanism to their clients, similar to the ASBA facility, or a three-in-one trading account facility, a move that empower investors. Qualified Stock Brokers (QSBs) must offer one of these two options, in addition to the current mode of trading. A three-in-one trading account combines a savings account, a demat account, and a trading account into a single integrated solution. In this case, the clients would have their funds in their bank account, earning interest on the cash balances.

“This initiative will empower and benefit investors with enhanced security, improved transparency, interest earnings and ease of making payments at a time when UPI payments are witnessing significant growth,” Rahul Jain, CFO, NTT DATA Payment Services India, said. Additionally, the move will improve fund management and further enhance investors’ convenience, allowing them to create a payment mandate by blocking funds for trading which will safeguard their amount from misuse, he added.

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