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Customs Duty Exemption Will Boost Mfg: FTCCI

Customs Duty Exemption Will Boost Mfg: FTCCI

Customs Duty Exemption Will Boost Mfg: FTCCI

30 Jan 2025 8:04 AM IST

Hyderabad: To boost local manufacturing in certain sectors, FTCCI (Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry), in its pre-Budget recommendation, has batted for exempting customs duty on imports of raw materials used for manufacturing lab-grown diamonds, bulk drugs used in insulin production, LED and LCD TV panel components, among others.

“In line with the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative for boosting local manufacturing, FTCCI recommends removal of customs duty on certain imported components, such as bulk drugs used for insulin production, raw materials for lab-grown diamonds, plastic needed for optical fiber production, LED and LCD TV panel parts, and equipment used in coal mining and power generation,” an official FTCCI release mentioned.

The apex body has also submitted various recommendations related to trade, Industry and tax relaxation for salaried employees.

FTCCI budget recommendations customs duty exemption local manufacturing boost Aatmanirbhar Bharat initiative trade and tax relaxation 
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