NASA warns of potential Earth’s close encounter with airplane-sized asteroid today
NASA warns of Earth’s close encounter with airplane-sized asteroid today
NASA and other space agencies are keeping a close watch on asteroid 2019 JN2, a small but potentially significant space rock. Measuring about 80 feet in diameter, this asteroid is roughly the size of a small airplane. Scheduled to pass Earth on November 30, 2024, at 1:09 PM IST, the asteroid’s trajectory is being carefully monitored to assess any potential risks.
Asteroid 2019 JN2 is classified as a near-Earth object (NEO), meaning its orbit brings it relatively close to our planet. While the asteroid poses no immediate threat, NASA and its partners continuously track such objects to better understand their movement and ensure that any potential hazards are identified well in advance.
NASA’s tracking and observation efforts are part of a broader initiative to monitor NEOs and assess the risks they may pose to Earth. Space agencies around the world collaborate on these efforts, using advanced telescopes and observation systems to gather data.
Though asteroid 2019 JN2 will not collide with Earth, its close flyby serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for vigilance in monitoring space objects. These efforts help to ensure the safety of our planet while also enhancing our ability to predict and mitigate potential future threats from space.