Trai asks industry if differential tariffs should be introduced
In a paper floated on Review of the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2018, the telecom regulator has mooted that telecom subscribers making over 50 calls or sending out even 50 SMS a day, along with certain other markers, should be scrutinised as a potential pesky callers
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New Delhi: In a fresh offensive to curb pesky calls, Trai has asked the industry that if a higher tariff should be introduced for calls and SMSs beyond a certain limit in a graded manner, according to a new discussion paper on measures to tighten norms around telemarketing communications.
In a discussion paper floated on "Review of the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2018", the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has mooted that telecom subscribers making over 50 calls or sending out even 50 SMS a day, along with certain other markers, should be scrutinised as a potential pesky callers. "To discourage usage of P2P (person-to-person) SMSs and Voice calls by UTMs (unregistered telemarketers), and strengthen the regulatory framework as enunciated in the TCCCPR-2018, a need has been felt to specify tariff for SMS and voice calls per SIM per day beyond a certain limit by persons other than an entity registered under the provisions of TCCCPR-2018," the paper said.
At present, mobile operators provide several plans with unlimited calls. The regulator feels that differential tariffs may make commercial communication using 10-digit numbers unviable for unregistered telemarketers. It noted that despite punitive actions, the unsolicited calls from 10-digit mobile numbers have continued to "irritate and harass customers". According to the data shared by telecom operators, average number of outgoing voice calls per day per SIM reveals that only 78,703, which is about 0.01 per cent of total subscribers make more than 100 voice calls per day per SIM, while 99.87 per cent of the subscribers make up to 50 outgoing voice calls per day per SIM.
The discussion paper - which marks the start of the thorough consultative process with the industry and the public - deals with 16 questions, including some on "differential tariff". The regulator has sought stakeholder views on the limit beyond which differential tariffs could be introduced for both Voice Calls and SMS. It has also asked what such a differential tariff (for calls and sms) beyond a certain threshold should be, in case it is introduced. Trai has also asked, "Whether differential tariff should be introduced in a graded manner?" The regulator has fixed September 25 as the last date for comments on the paper and October 9 for counter comments.