New AI-based Tool To Help Prevent Alzheimer’s: Study
Diagnosing MCI can be a long and difficult process, especially in rural areas where access to licensed neuropsychologists is limited
New AI-based Tool To Help Prevent Alzheimer’s: Study

New Delhi: A team of US researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) based system that may help assess cognitive impairments and curb the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia in older adults.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, so identifying people with cognitive issues early could lead to interventions and better outcomes.
However, diagnosing MCI can be a long and difficult process, especially in rural areas where access to licensed neuropsychologists is limited.
Researchers from the University of Missouri created a portable system that comes with a depth camera, a force plate, and an interface board. The study showed it can efficiently measure multiple aspects of motor function.
The team examined older adults, some of whom had MCI, and asked them to complete three activities: standing still, walking, and standing up from a bench.
Participants had to complete these activities while counting backward in intervals of seven at the same time.