Govt Plans To Issue ALMM For PV Cells To Push Green Energy Transition
It is aiming to make the second list (List II) under the ALMM for solar PV cells effective April 1, 2026
Govt Plans To Issue ALMM For PV Cells To Push Green Energy Transition

New Delhi: The government is planning to introduce an Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) for solar cells on the lines of module manufacturing to boost India's transition towards green energy. The government is aiming to make the second list (List II) under the ALMM for solar PV cells effective April 1, 2026. The government introduced the ALMM order (List I) in 2019 for solar modules to boost the manufacturing and usage of made-in-India solar panels. It was made mandatory to source PV modules from models and manufacturers included in the ALMM List I.
According to an office memorandum of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the ALMM order dated January 2, 2019, specified models and manufacturers of solar PV modules, whereas List-II will identify and include models and manufacturers of solar PV cells. However, to date, List II of solar PV cells has not been issued because the installed capacity of solar PV cells in the country was lower than the demand, the government document said. "With installed capacity of solar PV cells in the country expected to increase substantially in the next two years, it has been proposed to issue List-II of solar PV cells under ALMM, which shall be effective from April 1, 2026," according to the draft amendment to ALMM order for implementation of ALMM for Solar PV cells.
The draft paper also proposed that the solar PV modules -- which are presently enlisted in ALMM List-I (for solar PV modules) with an expiry date beyond Mach 31, 2026 -- will also have to use solar PV cells included in ALMM List-II (for solar PV cells) from April 1, 2026, onwards. If the modules don't have the cells included in List-II, they will be liable to be delisted from ALMM List-I, as per the draft. "All projects where the last date of bid submission is before the issuance of this order shall stand exempted from the mandatory requirement of using solar PV cells from ALMM List-II," the draft said.