BSES, BYPL consumers in Delhi can now settle power theft cases via online mode
Consumers of BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) and BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) in South, West, East and Central Delhi can now avail amicable spot settlement of power-theft cases by participating in 'online' and 'hybrid' Lok Adalats.
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New Delhi, Dec 10 Consumers of BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) and BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) in South, West, East and Central Delhi can now avail amicable spot settlement of power-theft cases by participating in 'online' and 'hybrid' Lok Adalats.
BRPL consumers can avail settlement through online mode, while BYPL consumers through the hybrid mode.
"Consumers desirous of settling their power-theft cases can use this opportunity for an amicable and on-the-spot settlement of their power theft cases, relating to both 'Direct Theft' and 'Meter Tampering'," BYPL and BSES said on Thursday.
"Cases that are either pending in any court of law or are yet to be filed in any court of law shall be taken up by the 'Lok Adalats'," they said.
According to a BSES spokesperson: "For the consumers, it means an opportunity to amicably settle their cases and an escape from a prolonged and expensive legal process. For an overworked judiciary, it means some burden off their courts."
To avail the service, consumers or litigants will have to pre-register with the 'Lok Adalat' by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 011-49209419.
"To participate in the special hybrid Lok Adalat, all BYPL consumers or litigants desirous of settling their cases have to pre-register themselves at the local BYPL customer care centres, nearest to their place of residence," BYPL and BSES said.
"Consumers will be allocated a specific time-slot. On the day of the Lok Adalat, they will have to reach the BYPL Circle Office at the allocated time, either in person or through their advocates or authorised representatives," they added.
The last date for registration is December 10, 2021.
Online Lok Adalat for BRPL is on December 11 and hybrid Lok Adalat for BYPL is on December 11 and 12.