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A glass of wine daily may not kill you: Study

Low and moderate drinkers have similar mortality rates to those who abstain entirely. Women who enjoy more than one standard drink per day are at least 20% likely to die prematurely

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A glass of wine daily may not kill you: Study

3 April 2023 7:59 PM IST

Toronto: While overindulgence could dig you an early grave, a daily alcoholic drink may neither be harmful nor offer any health benefits, according to a new study of 4.8 million people.

The benefits and drawbacks of alcohol have been much debated. While some studies claim that even a small portion can lead to death, others say it has health benefits. Researchers from the universities of Victoria and Portsmouth in Canada and UK respectively, conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 107 studies published between 1980 and 2021.

The findings showed that low and moderate drinkers have similar mortality rates to those who abstain entirely. On the other hand, women who enjoy more than one standard drink per day are at least 20 per cent likely to die prematurely.

alcoholic drink health benefits mortality rates 
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