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Financial sector needs tight vigil

Dominance of banking support to credit being reduced, and the role of capital markets rising

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Financial sector needs tight vigil

23 July 2024 12:45 AM GMT

Turnpike Moment

  • Financial sector needs to support capital formation
  • It should enable MSMEs to scale up
  • It should provide retirement security to all citizens

New Delhi: The outlook for India’s financial sector appears bright, but it needs to brace for likely vulnerabilities, said Economic Survey 2023-24 tabled in Parliament on Monday. The Indian financial sector is at a ‘turnpike moment’, it said, adding that the dominance of banking support to credit is being reduced, and the role of capital markets is rising. For a country that aspires to be a developed nation by 2047, this is a long-awaited and welcome development, it said.

“Being reliant on and exposed to the capital market, however, comes with its challenges and trade-offs. As India’s financial sector undergoes this critical transformation, it must also brace for likely vulnerabilities and prepare itself with regulatory and government policy levers to intervene and hedge, as required,” it said.

Even as banks, non-banks and corporates battled balance-sheet excesses, the consequences of the credit boom of the first decade of the new millennium and the inevitable bust that followed in the second decade, the broad industry kept advancing the cause of financial inclusion and financial deepening, it said. “Moving forward, healthier corporate and bank balance sheets will further strengthen private investment. The positive trends in the residential real estate market indicate that the household sector capital formation is increasing significantly,” it said.

As India embarks on the vision to become a developed country by 2047, it is imperative that financial intermediation costs decline globally, the Survey prepared by Chief Economic Adviser V Anantha Nageswaran and his team said.

India's financial sector Economic Survey 2023-24 capital market role banking support developed nation aspiration financial vulnerabilities regulatory policy balance-sheet excesses financial inclusion private investment 
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