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P&G Health launches bus yatra to fight iron deficiency in South India

Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra 2.0 aims to raise awareness around iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in AP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, K’taka and Kerala

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(From left to right) Milind Thatte, Managing Director, P&G Health, actress Pranitha Subhash, Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, President, FOGSI, Vijay Kumar Pampana, Marketing Director, P&G Health at the launch of second leg of Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra in Visakhapatnam on Thursday

14 July 2023 5:45 AM GMT

Visakhapatnam After a successful culmination of the ‘Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra’ initiative in the northern cities in India last year, P&G Health in association with FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India) has launched the ‘Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra 2.0’ here on Thursday.

Iron deficiency affects all ages including children and women who are pregnant or menstruating since they are at the highest risk for this condition. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) data revealed that one in every two women in India is anemic and the prevalence is around 57 per cent in non-pregnant women and 52 per cent in pregnant women. One in three women suffer from iron deficiency symptoms including tiredness, dizziness, paleness and hair fall. But these symptoms are often ignored, making early identification of these symptoms and seeking timely diagnosis, the need of the hour.

With an endeavour to extend the initiative to the southern region of India, Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra 2.0 will continue to raise awareness around iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Flagged off from Visakhapatnam by Milind Thatte, Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Health Limited and Dr Hrishikesh Pai, president, FOGSI, the convoy will travel across 21 cities in five States of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala and conclude in Bengaluru.

Speaking on the occasion, Milind Thatte said here, “We are thrilled to launch ‘Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra 2.0’ this year with an aim to provide free screening to over 2,000 individuals along with blood pressure monitoring and an examination by a gynecologist/physician.”

@ProcterGamble Na Na Anemia Bus Yatra P&G Health FOGSI iron deficiency anemia 
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