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IIMV takes up vaccination drive

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IIMV takes up vaccination drive

23 Oct 2021 1:00 PM GMT

Visakhapatnam Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam (IIMV) organised yet another COVID-19 vaccination drive to its faculty, staff and their family members achieving 100 percent vaccination to all on Saturday.

Three similar vaccination drives were already organised by the Institute in May, July, and August, 2021. About 300 people had already received their first and second doses. Saturday's drive was attended by 80 members.

Director of IIMV, Prof. M. Chandrasekhar, complimented the Health Centre on achieving the very important milestone of 100% vaccination for the members of the Institute's family and their dependents.

Highlighting that all these drives were conducted totally free of cost to the beneficiaries, he described these endeavours as a modest contribution of the Institution to the national mission of fighting the pandemic. "The nation proved its commitment for the health and safety of its citizens and set a high benchmark with the 100-crore vaccination mark on Friday. As a public institution committed to public good, the Institute did its bit", he said.

Prof. Chandrasekhar also expressed his gratitude to the Health Departments of the Central and State Governments for encouraging and enabling support to the success of these drives. He has a special word of thanks to the District Health and Medical Officer, for the cooperation extended readily.

The objective of the drive was to ensure that all members of the IIMV family, including their dependents, are fully vaccinated. The initiative was taken by the health centre of the Institute. Today's vaccination drive was inaugurated by Prof. Neena Pandey, Coordinator (Administration), in the presence of Dr.V. Bhaskar Ram, Medical Officer, Nursing Sister Latha and several members of the IIMV family.

Speaking on occasion, Dr. Ram said "In the present scenario, it is important for everyone to get vaccinated with both the doses as the risk of getting affected and infecting others with COVID-19 will be far less. It will also build immunity to face the challenge if and when the future waves or their variants surface."

He thanked the members for coming forward and participating in the drive, in large numbers, without any hesitancy.

IIMV Vaccination center Covid-19 vaccination drive 
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