FI-Index rises on all parameters: RBI
Financial inclusion index rose to 64.2 in March 2024 as against 60.1 in March 2023
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Mumbai: The Reserve Bank’s FI-Index, capturing the extent of financial inclusion across the country, rose to 64.2 in March 2024, showing growth across all parameters. The index captures information on various aspects of financial inclusion in a single value ranging between 0 and 100, where 0 represents complete financial exclusion and 100 indicates full financial inclusion.
“The value of the index for March 2024 stands at 64.2 vis-à-vis 60.1 in March 2023, with growth witnessed across all sub-indices,” Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said in a statement on Tuesday.
Improvement in FI-Index is mainly contributed by usage dimension, reflecting deepening of financial inclusion, it added. The FI-Index comprises three broad parameters -- access (35 per cent), usage (45 per cent), and quality (20 per cent) -- with each of these consisting of various dimensions, which are computed based on a number of indicators.