Shop101 uplifting women to get extra income

A casual scrolling session ended up in Gunjan Yadav having her own business, making her more independent than she would’ve expected

Update:2021-02-16 23:05 IST

Shop101 uplifting women to get extra income

A housewife has a lot of responsibilities and there's no denying that. Looking after the needs of her family members, scheduling her day according to each of them, catering to other things in the house and more. This leaves her with very little time for herself. However, that doesn't rule out the possibility of her wanting to fulfill her dreams.

We've realised how important that extra income can be for some people. Whether it means using it to pay off a loan or just to contribute to the family, it is extra money in the end. Online jobs don't always pay the way one would imagine unless you find the right job for yourself. In most cases, the jobs require experience in the said field and that leaves you with little choice in the end. That is why there are opportunities like online reselling which have made it possible to earn online, learn the basics of business and the art of being independent. We have come across many motivational stories that talk about the journey of a person from nothing to something big! They somehow give one, hope, to start somewhere and go closer to success one step at a time. It is encouraging and empowering in every sense.

One such story that we would like to share is surely going to leave you wanting more from your life too. Gunjan Yadav, just like any housewife, was looking for ways to earn money from home. She tried her hand at learning a bit of parlour work and even worked as a helper at one. However, she wanted to do something more with her time so that she can be financially independent and work on her own schedule too. Since parlour work didn't give her the opportunity to be her own boss, she felt like she could explore better opportunities. At this time, she stumbled upon Shop101's YouTube channel. A casual scrolling session ended up in her having her own business, making her more independent than she would've expected. What better way to work, if not through an app. Since she already has a lot of duties at home, this was the best work from home option there was for her. Although she has been a part of Shop101 since 2019, it is only during the lockdown that her business actually got her the profits she anticipated. She realised how convenient online shopping was for people during this time and saw how people prefer to shop online because of the ease of access that it provides everyone with. She was flooded with a lot of orders during the lockdown and that kept her motivated to continue her business. At a time when all sectors of the economy were witnessing an all time low, she credited Shop101 for helping her get back up on her feet.

The products she chose to resell were highly in demand. She received most of her orders from categories such as sarees, dress materials and kitchen utilities and these products seemed to have really worked for her business.

The best part about her journey is the willingness she had to learn on the job. From all that she learned as a reseller with Shop101, she has put to good use by opening her own shop.

If you're ever in Mumbai, you can take a look at 'Ananya collection', which has given this housewife a new start!


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