Prudent planning can save lot of money for travellers

A solid plan can even open up destinations that you might have thought would be too expensive

Update:2021-09-13 01:09 IST

Prudent planning can save lot of money for travellers

By making smart decisions about international travel spending, it is possible to get more out of both your travel budget and your trips abroad. A solid plan can even open up destinations that you might have thought would be too expensive.

Probably the biggest secret in frugal travel is to use the calendar to your advantage. If you have the ability to plan your international trips outside of the most popular seasons (summer vacation, holidays, local festivals, etc.), doing so can mean big savings on your airfare, lodging, and even activities.

There is something to the fanfare and crowded chaos of an A-list tourist destination, but it comes at a premium. When demand is high, so are prices. Finding travel destinations that are less popular and more 'off the beaten path' is a great way to make international travel more affordable and have truly unique adventures in the process!

While this is a popular consideration when choosing to move abroad, it can also be a great metric for choosing inexpensive vacation destinations. Pay attention to metrics like food staples, personal care items, medical care, transportation, and entertainment.

The farther your destination is from your point of origin, the more you will likely pay for your travel expenses. Rather than jet-setting halfway around the world to scratch your international travel itch, consider options closer home.

It's simple math - the longer you are away from home, the higher your out-of-pocket costs. Consider planning focused, shorter trips than longer ones. You probably won't see and do everything on your list, but the tradeoff is savings that might allow you to travel more often. Should you feel like a trip is too short, look on the bright side: leaving some adventures on the table gives you things to save for a future return trip!

Many of your everyday credit cards come with 'foreign transaction fees' that can add an additional 2- 3 per cent, or higher charge to every purchase you make overseas. These can add up quickly! Before you travel, research the cards you already have to see if you have any that do not include these fees - many travel rewards cards tend to offer this perk (just be sure to call your credit card company so they know you are travelling abroad!)

Travel during the week. No matter what kind of travel, securing transportation on a Friday or Sunday is notoriously more expensive than doing so during the week. Getting as many of your travel days to land on Monday-Thursday (or even Saturday in a pinch), can often save you serious money.

Use airline layovers to your advantage. If you are shopping for flights, consider unchecking the 'direct flights only' box. To start with, roundabout, multi-leg flights tend to be cheaper than their direct counterparts. Extended layovers and strange, criss-crossing flight paths scare off a lot of travellers itching to reach their destinations.

That said, savvy travellers can easily turn these negatives into positives. An extended layover between transfer flights can be a way to see more of the world on the cheap. Each stop becomes its own mini-adventure. Taken a step further, some travellers use the 'hidden city' tactic whereby they book a multi-leg flight, but skip the final leg(s) of the journey and stay in an earlier one.

Airfare can be very expensive. You can minimize your reliance on planes (and the long, stressful airport security lines) by branching out into other transportation options. Ferries, trains, busses, and even car rentals can help reduce your travel costs dramatically. That said, be on the lookout for discounts offered for early bookings. Last minute travel of any kind tends to be the most expensive!

From how you choose to get to the airport or train station to how you will get to dinner on day three of your trip, have a plan and estimated dollar amount for every move. This means doing some research into things like public transit cards, the availability of ride sharing services, and gas prices (if you are renting a vehicle). Don't forget to account for costs like parking, luggage fees, and tips as well.

Make travel part of the trip. Whenever you can find ways to enjoy the ride, you can maximize the fun. Whether it's a sight-seeing train, a dinner cruise, or a scenic road trip, look for opportunities to make travel expenses double as entertainment to make your travel dollars go farther.


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