International SOS prioritises precautionary measures for Hajj-bound pilgrims

This year’s Hajj pilgrimage is scheduled to take place in Saudi Arabia from June 14-16

By :  Kumud Das
Update:2024-06-07 13:46 IST

As this journey relates to faith, large crowds and close contact can be expected, resulting in an increase the risk of transmission of infections. Hence, appropriate vaccination is recommended and should be taken before traveling. Carrying essential medication (especially if one suffers from chronic illnesses) is important- Dr. Vikram Vora

A total quota of 1,75,025 pilgrims from India has been finalised for Haj 2024 with 1,40,020 seats being reserved for pilgrims to proceed through Haj Committee of India, which will greatly benefit the common first time pilgrims intending to undertake the Haj pilgrimage in 2024 whereas 35,005 pilgrims would be permitted to proceed through Haj Group operators.

The annual Hajj pilgrimage, a global gathering that drew over 1.8 million last year, is expected to take place in Saudi Arabia from June 14-16.

Given the expected congregation, ensuring the health and safety of all pilgrims requires a focus on preventive measures. Meningococcal disease has been reported by travellers returning from Saudi Arabia, highlighting the importance of adhering to the requirements.

International SOS, the world’s leading health and security services entity, encourages organisations with employees participating in the Hajj pilgrimage to ensure that their workforce is aware of essential precautions for a safe and healthy spiritual journey.

Aligned with the latest health and safety regulations established by the Saudi Arabian authorities, International SOS has developed a comprehensive guideline focused on ensuring pilgrims’ health, security and wellbeing. The guideline outlines crucial pre-travel considerations including several newly implemented requirements. It highlights the official permit and vaccination requirements, heat mitigation strategies as well as promoting vigilance and awareness of surroundings to ensure individual safety, particularly during crowd surges.

Talking to Bizz Buzz, Udit Mehta, executive Vice-president, Global Security Solutions, International SOS, said, “Ensuring compliance with all directives issued by local authorities as well as their native lands is critical for undertaking the pilgrimage. All appropriate approvals should be sought ahead of departure and the use of a trusted provider experienced in facilitating pilgrimage tours is highly recommended.

Religious congregations like the Hajj are typically accompanied by large crowds, which can pose peculiar challenges that necessitate mitigation measures.”

Dr. Vikram Vora, medical director (Indian Subcontinent), International SOS, stressed on how the pilgrimage can be a difficult one, including physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pilgrims setting out for Hajj are prone to numerous health challenges which need to be managed before, during and after travel. While preparing for Hajj, gradually building up endurance through daily exercise can help in preparing for walking long distances. As this journey relates to faith, large crowds and close contact can be expected, resulting in an increase the risk of transmission of infections. Hence, appropriate vaccination is recommended and should be taken before traveling. Carrying essential medication (especially if one suffers from chronic illnesses) is important.”

Since the pilgrimage happens during summer, travellers are prone to heat-related illnesses, the risks of which increase in those older or more vulnerable due to pre-existing chronic disease conditions.

The importance of adequate hydration and electrolyte balance during such times cannot be overstated. Make a conscious effort to drink a lot of water. Food safety is equally important.

Do maintain good hand hygiene and wash fruits and vegetables carefully before consuming.

Always eat freshly cooked food and use clean cutlery and plates. These tips can help you to remain healthy during your spiritual experience, he added.


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