Apple hints its watch may come with detachable camera system

It’s tipped off that Apple is possibly featuring a detachable watch camera in future. Apple was granted a patent for detachable watch-based camera retention system.

Update:2023-02-13 11:02 IST

Apple hints its watch may come with detachable camera system

It’s tipped off that Apple is possibly featuring a detachable watch camera in future. Apple was granted a patent for detachable watch-based camera retention system. Sources reported that the patent details a detachable band system and a quick-release mechanism that allows for easy access to an integrated camera unit – This will allow the user to be able to quickly release the band, take photos from a camera placed at the bottom of the watch and then snap it back in.

This could indicate Apple may include a nest mechanism which will allow quick removal from the band while the watch is on the user's wrist.

However Apple won't be the first to market a smartwatch camera system. Samsung's Galaxy Gear had a 1.9-megapixel camera but it didn't catch on and the smartwatch was overshadowed soon after.

Any camera also raises privacy concerns, since a small camera on a wrist could lead to unauthorised photos and videos. This would require security features that let people in the wearer's vicinity know he is using a camera, like the camera indicators on smartglasses.


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