Apple CEO Tim Cook's throwback interview goes viral!

Update:2024-09-06 21:53 IST

In a throwback interview that's recently gained viral traction, Apple CEO Tim Cook has shed light on a prevailing misconception about why Apple chooses China for its manufacturing needs. The video, which has captivated 2.7 million viewers so far, presents Cook’s perspective on the real reasons behind Apple's decision to set up shop in the country.

In the interview, Cook dispels the myth that companies like Apple flock to China merely for its historically low labor costs. "The idea that China is chosen for its cheap labor is outdated," he asserts. "China stopped being the low-cost labor country many years ago." Instead, Cook emphasizes that Apple's decision is driven by factors that go beyond cost.

The heart of Cook's argument lies in China’s remarkable concentration of skilled labor. He explains that China boasts a level of vocational expertise that is unparalleled anywhere else in the world. "The reason we manufacture in China is due to the incredible skill level present in one location," Cook elaborates. "The depth of tooling expertise here is so significant that in the U.S., you might struggle to fill a room with tooling engineers, but in China, you could fill multiple football fields."

Cook's insight underscores the critical role that China's advanced tooling and precision capabilities play in Apple’s intricate manufacturing processes. His comments resonated with none other than Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who chimed in with a succinct “true” in the video’s comments section.

The clip, shared by Historic Videos on X, offers a compelling look into why the tech giant continues to partner with China, revealing that it’s not about cutting costs but about harnessing a reservoir of unparalleled expertise.

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