Double The Cheer! Government Extends Women's Safety Shield For Another 2 Years

Good news! India's 'Safety of Women' program gets a 2-year extension, meaning more resources to fight violence against women. Think faster police response, stronger laws, and support for victims through help desks and training programs.

Update:2024-02-23 15:48 IST

In a significant move aimed at ensuring the safety and security of women across the nation, the government has decided to extend its Women's Safety Program until 2025-26. This decision, made during a recent meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reflects the government's commitment to addressing the crucial issue of women's safety.

The Cabinet has given its approval to the Ministry of Home Affairs' proposal, allocating a substantial budget of Rs 1,179.72 crore for the period from 2021-22 to 2025-26. Out of this total budget, Rs 885.49 crore will be provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs, while Rs 294.23 crore will be sourced from the Nirbhaya Fund.

Ensuring the safety of women involves multiple facets, ranging from the enforcement of stringent laws to the swift delivery of justice and the establishment of accessible support systems for victims. To this end, amendments have been made to key legislations such as the Indian Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, and the Indian Evidence Act, aiming to deter offenses against women and enhance accountability.

The government, in collaboration with various states and Union Territories, has launched several initiatives under the Women's Safety Program to bolster safety measures for women. These initiatives aim to strengthen intervention and investigation mechanisms for crimes against women, as well as to enhance efforts in preventing such crimes from occurring.

Under the comprehensive Umbrella Scheme for 'Safety of Women', the government will continue to implement a range of projects. These include:

Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) 2.0

This system aims to provide immediate assistance to women in distress by facilitating quick response mechanisms.

Upgradation of Forensic Laboratories:

Central Forensic Sciences laboratories will be upgraded, including the establishment of a National Forensic Data Centre, to enhance forensic capabilities in crime investigation.

Strengthening DNA Analysis and Cyber Forensic Capacities

State Forensic Science Laboratories (FSLs) will receive support to improve their capabilities in DNA analysis and cyber forensics, crucial for solving crimes against women.

Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children: Special measures will be implemented to prevent cybercrimes targeting women and children, ensuring their safety in the digital space.

Capacity Building and Training Programs

Specialized training programs will be conducted to equip investigators and prosecutors with the skills necessary to handle cases of sexual assault against women and children effectively.

Establishment of Women Help Desks and Anti-Human Trafficking Units

These units will serve as dedicated support centers, providing assistance and guidance to women in need, while also combating the heinous crime of human trafficking.

By extending the Women's Safety Program until 2025-26 and continuing these vital initiatives, the government reaffirms its commitment to creating a safer environment for women across the nation. Through collaborative efforts and comprehensive measures, the aim is to empower women and ensure that they can live free from fear and insecurity.


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