GMR Fulfillment Centre is EDGE Advanced certified

GMR Fulfillment Centre, a part of GMR Group was awarded with the prestigious EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Advanced certificate in recognition of its commitment towards sustainability.

Update:2022-01-19 02:30 IST

GMR Fulfillment Centre is EDGE Advanced certified

Hyderabad: GMR Fulfillment Centre, a part of GMR Group was awarded with the prestigious EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Advanced certificate in recognition of its commitment towards sustainability. It was certified for the level EDGE Advanced under the EDGE rating system by SINTALI with EDGE Auditor and EDGE Expert.

The project achieved carbon neutrality with predicted savings of 77 per cent in energy, 84 per cent in water and 790.16 tons of CO2 savings per year. The Centre undertook several green sustainable measures to support the development of a sustainable ecosystem. Measures include, the use of renewable energy, recycling of water, installation of energy-efficient equipment, water efficient systems and energy efficient building materials, etc. Lighting and air-conditioning systems are the major contributors to energy bills. As part of its energy conservation drive, various energy efficiency measures such as reduced window-to-wall-ratio, insulation of roof and external walls to decrease the heat entering the Fulfillment Centre were implemented. Energy consuming lighting and air-conditioning systems were replaced by energy efficient LED systems.

Various measures to conserve water were also implemented across the centre. To reduce water usage, "Flush Me Not" a waterless program was initiated at the facility. Taking ahead the conservation practices, STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant) of 190 KLD capacity for recycling of water was installed. The recycled water is used in toilet flushes and irrigation facilities thereby contributing to reduction of freshwater consumption.

EDGE is a brainchild of IFC, a World Bank Group member. IFC provides market leaders with the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by differentiating their products and adding value to the lives of their customers. A global network of certifiers and accredited EDGE Experts support the collective ambition to mainstream green buildings and help fight climate change.


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