Covid-induced mental disorder more among children

Psychological experts stated that children below the age group of 5 years have suffered more on personality building opportunities due to lesser chances of interacting with people other than immediate family members

Update:2021-09-02 21:57 IST

Covid-induced mental disorder more among children

The practice of isolation and social distancing has led to shift in behavioural changes in many; Most mental health sufferers are relapsing into clinical anxiety

New Delhi: Covid-19 pandemic has not only stressed the finance and physicalwellbeing of the people, but has also left many with catatonic psychological challenges. Extendedperiod of isolation, social distancing has led to shift in behavioural changes in many, with expertsstating that most mental health sufferers are relapsing into clinical anxiety.

According to a national survey conducted by MyGate, the worst affected age group due to the pandemic is that of adolescents. BizzBuzz spoke to Meghna Mukherjee, a psychoanalyticalpsychotherapist, to understand the impact lockdown on different age groups and the ability tobond with people outside of close social circle.

"I have seen cases where younger age group has developed separation anxiety and nervousness tointeract with new people. This is the age group of 4 to 5 years where children are expected to go outand build initial interactions and be curious. So, that sense of curiosity has been transformed intosuspiciousness," Dr Meghna explained. The mental health expert also added that although she has not added any new patients since the outbreak of the pandemic, she had to increase the frequency of sessions from once a month to threesessions a month. Psychological experts stated that children below the age group of 5 years have suffered more on personality building opportunities due to lesser chances of interacting with people other than immediate family members.

Dr Meghna also added that the pandemic has also severely mentally impacted new mothers andpregnant women. Mental health conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings and depression are seeing a surge in the working age group from 22 years to 40 years.

For the anticipated resurgence of Covid-19 cases, experts stated that people are divided over the possibility of a third wave with some being in complete denial of any occurrence whereas other mental health patients are having mental visions of terror and fear against it.

Life Coach Steffi Prasad said that lack of body movement and slowed actions forprolonged activities lead to increase in the release of adrenaline and cortisol, the hormones responsible for stress and anxiety. "There is limited exposure to outdoors and sunlight, extroversion, physical exercises and social distancing which had led to lowered release of happy hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin and increasing the risk or chances of depression," Professor Prasad said.

On the overall psychological impact of Covid-19, Professor Prasad added:"Both waves have impacted depending on the news of risk of infection due to Covid-19. The first wave impacted seniorcitizens and second wave age group of 18 years and above. Whereas the third wave has startedimpacting and increasing the fear in the children of school going age. The fear of infection seems tohave been a reason of fear/phobia also alarmed OCD in many."


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