Groundbreaking advancements in cancer treatment discussed

Drug Discovery and Development workshop is being organised by FABA (Federation of Asian Biotech Associations) Academy in collaboration with US-based non-profit organisation Science Gurus, and the University of Hyderabad from March 13 to April 2.

Update:2023-03-23 23:35 IST

Dr Ramesh Kashi - Dr Srinivas Oruganti - Dr Srinivas Maddi

Hyderabad: Drug Discovery and Development workshop is being organised by FABA (Federation of Asian Biotech Associations) Academy in collaboration with US-based non-profit organisation Science Gurus, and the University of Hyderabad from March 13 to April 2. This workshop, also supported by World Trade Center Shamshabad & Visakhapatnam, has exhibited incomparable intellect and innovation.

The workshop has been a resounding success, with industry experts delivering captivating lectures that have set the stage for groundbreaking advancements in the field. On 11th day of the workshop, few experts have discussed on ‘Biologics, small molecule manufacturing, flow chemistry and promising cancer treatment discoveries’.

Dr Ramesh Kashi, Senior Scientific Director, Sterile Development at Bristol-Myers Squibb, talked about the manufacturing and formulation of biologics for therapeutic use. During the talk, he discussed the different types of biologics and the manufacturing process of proteins.

He also outlined the typical biopharmaceutical manufacturing process of upstream and downstream bioprocess, as well as the key process steps in sterile drug product manufacturing. He emphasised the importance of formulation development, including the pre-formulation screening of pH, ionic strength, buffer, and interfacial stress testing.

Overall, Dr Kashi's talk provided valuable insights into the complex world of biologics manufacturing and formulation and highlighted the importance of research and development in the development of safe and effective treatments for a wide range of medical conditions.

During the second lecture, Dr Srinivas Oruganti, Director of Dr Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences presented on Small molecule manufacturing & formulation, where he discussed the key role of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in producing finished medicines. He covered a wide range of topics, including the significance of Total Synthetic and the FDA's stringent approval process for new molecular entities.

He provided valuable insights into the various considerations that come into play when scaling up from lab to commercial manufacturing, with a focus on the API manufacturing process. Furthermore, he emphasised the importance of sustainable development goals in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, highlighting the need to balance economic growth with environmental protection and social responsibility.

Dr Oruganti shared a profound quote by Marshall McLuhan that left a lasting impact on the audience. McLuhan's words emphasised the power of our tools and their ability to shape us, as he stated, "We become what we behold, we shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us."

Dr Srinivas Maddi, Founder & CEO of Acubiosys, delivered the third lecture on Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) and shared some exciting findings for cancer treatment. He also discussed the importance of solubility screening that are essential in the drug development process, as they help determine the solubility of drugs in different environments.

In addition, he shared studies that were conducted in SD rats which revealed the drug's effectiveness in treating cancer and its potential side effects. Finally, he discussed the importance of understanding drug nanoparticle trafficking by macrophages. This knowledge is crucial in developing drugs that can effectively target cancer cells while avoiding healthy cells.

Overall, Dr Srinivas's talk on DMPK provided valuable insights into cancer treatment and drug development. The day concluded with exceptional student presentations given by Dr Nilufar Yasim from Bangladesh on PCOS, Tehrim from South Africa on Pneumonia, and Abhishek Kumar Sahu from India on Rheumatoid Arthritis.

In summary, the Drug Discovery and Development workshop was an exceptional learning experience. Attendees gained valuable insights into the latest advancements in drug discovery and development through lectures from industry experts and cutting-edge research showcased in the student presentations. This workshop has undoubtedly had a significant impact on the field and will continue to do so for years to come.


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