Young Indians action plan to fight Covid-19

As many as 52 leaders from CII Young Indians (Yi) chapters across India, came together on June 30 to sign and attest the Yi Covid-19 Action Communique.

Update:2021-07-05 00:52 IST

Young Indians action plan to fight Covid-19

Visakhapatnam: As many as 52 leaders from CII Young Indians (Yi) chapters across India, came together on June 30 to sign and attest the Yi Covid-19 Action Communique.

As shared by Yi Covid Task Force, "the signing of the Covid 19 Action Communique marks an important milestone in our fight against this pandemic," Confederation of Indian Industry said in a release issued on Sunday. Facilitated through sharing of experiences and dialogues with global experts, the document has prioritised through a nation-wide survey an actionable plan that would be led and implemented by Yi leaders, members and stakeholders across our 55 chapter network."

As conscious and responsible citizens, Yi has been in the forefront, championing and leading responsibly through various Covid related onground relief activities, infographic campaigns and vaccination drives that have impacted over 1.1 million lives.

The declaration builds on the recommendations that came out of the Yi Round Table discussion in June with subject experts from across the world including the chief scientist of WHO & experts from Singapore, India , Israel , UK and the USA and deliberations with our 3,600 members across India.


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