Startup boom records juicy salaries to all talents across functions

Indian Internet startups are paying record salaries to junior and senior employees across functions, led by the startup funding boom gripping the country.

Update:2021-06-02 12:18 IST

Startup boom records juicy salaries to all talents across functions

Indian Internet startups are paying record salaries to junior and senior employees across functions, led by the startup funding boom gripping the country.

While salaries for coders and developers have shot through the roof over the last few years, other functions including marketing, sales, human resources and communications are now attracting two or three times the money the same roles attracted a couple of years ago.

Leaders of these functions are especially able to command outsized salaries and stock options, while rank and file employees are also seeing average salaries rise due to the funding boom.

The hiring boom and high salaries are closely linked to the funding frenzy and are more a sign of the future promise these companies hold, rather than their present financial performance. India has seen 14 unicorns- startups valued at a billion dollars or more- in five months of 2021, compared to 11 in all of 2020.


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