AP pips Gujarat in investments

Andhra Pradesh garnered Rs45,217 cr in 46 projects in 2022 as against Rs9,840 cr in 42 projects in 2021 and Rs10,350 crore in 47 in 2020; Major loser was Gujarat, which received Rs39,259 cr in 154 projects, down from Rs104,968 cr in 2021.

Update:2023-06-07 11:41 IST

AP pips Gujarat in investments

New Delhi Andhra Pradesh received maximum actual investment in 2022 as the State garnered Rs45,217 crore in 46 projects. This was a quantum jump from the previous two years, Rs9,840 crore in 42 projects in 2021 and Rs10,350 crore in 47 in 2020, official sources told Bizz Buzz.

Another State that has seen a huge rise in actual industrial investment is Jharkhand. In 2020, 18 industrial units got Rs1,667 crore, which went up to 11 and Rs2,728 crore and 10 and Rs 15,489 crore, respectively in 2021 and 2022.

These figures are derived from the Part B filings of industrial entrepreneurial memorandums (IEMs). Part A filings of IEMs pertain to the intentions to invest, whereas Part B filings are done when operations commence.

Rajasthan has also been doing well. Actual investment in 21 industrial projects was Rs5,917 crore in 2020, which grew to 14 projects Rs7,571 crore in 2021 and 43 projects and Rs17,403 crore in 2022.

The biggest loser in terms of actual industrial investment last year was Gujarat, where 154 projects got Rs39,259 crore, down from Rs104,968 crore in 2021. In 2020, it got Rs34,866 crore.

Another State that has seen a steep fall is Chhattisgarh -51 projects and Rs73,567 crore in 2020, Rs16,492 crore in 2021 and Rs2,766 crore in 2022.In Orissa too, actual investment dipped sharply, Rs 37,266 crore in 2022, from Rs89,167 crore in 2021 and Rs28,954 crore in 2020.

Maharashtra also faced a decline - Rs33,715 crore in 2020, Rs45,855 crore and Rs35,675 in 2022. All industrial undertakings exempted from the requirements of industrial licensing under Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951, and having an investment in plant and machinery of Rs50 crore and above or a turnover of Rs250 crore and above are stipulated to file IEMs. These include existing units and new undertakings.

Part B of IEMs (Rs/Cr)
State Actual Inv Projects
AP 45,217cr 46
Gujarat 39,259 154
Odisha 37,266 -
Jharkhand 1,667 18
Rajasthan 5,917 21


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