Environment Day observed at Kanha Shanti Vanam, largest meditation hall in the world

Mass plantation drive and plastic removal were some of the hallmarks of the event

By :  Bizz Buzz
Update:2024-06-06 15:07 IST

Hyderabad: The world headquarters of Heartfulness Institute at Kanha Shanti Vanam, home to the largest meditation hall complex in the world, observed World Environment Day today. The event was graced by Chief Guest Shri Krupakar Ravipati – Assistant Director, Ministry of Tourism, Government of Telangana. Shri Ravipati planted a sapling at the Kanha campus on the occasion and delivered a talk praising outstanding work done by Heartfulness Institute in the area of Environment Conservation. The event was marked by a plantation and cleanliness drive at Kanha Shanti Vanam by the ashram residents and students of The Heartfulness Learning Centre and Kanha Coaching Centre, besides all employees and volunteers. All the participants of the event also had the experience of Heartfulness relaxation and meditation techniques. Shri Krupakar Ravipati was given a special tour of the facilities at Kanha Shanti Vanam.

Krupakar Ravipati – Assistant Director, Ministry of Tourism said, “The environment is not just a backdrop to our lives, it is the foundation of our existence. By nurturing and protecting it, we ensure a healthier and more prosperous future for ourselves and the generations to come.” Having witnessed the tremendous amount of work that has been poured in at Kanha Shanti Vanam he commented that it is an epitome of nature conservation. He was certain that the environmental conservation measures adopted at Kanha Shanti Vanam are the most important initiatives that will serve as an inspiration for all generations to care for the environment. On one hand, plastic as a pollutant has not been curbed to the extent needed because there is a lack of conscientious effort.

On the other hand, deforestation has led to climate change and global warming. But involving the youth and communities at this level in removal of pollutants and plantation drives, instills in them the sense of responsibility not only for themselves but also for our future generations. He appreciated that Heartfulness under the keen guidance of Rev. Daaji has been bringing massive transformation on this front and inspiring millions of people worldwide to bring the change.

Rev. Daaji – Guide of Heartfulness & President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, who is on a tour around the US currently has shared his thoughts appreciating the participants’ enthusiasm on World Environment Day. He said, “It gives me immense pleasure to see that more and more people are driven to set an example in environmental conservation. Our environment reflects the state of our inner being. This alignment with nature not only preserves our surroundings but also nurtures our inner peace. But the environment is not only about plants and water. It’s also about the air and soil, the quality of which must be conserved. My spiritual teacher, Babuji Maharaj beautifully said that when we align ourselves with nature, we find peace and harmony within.

Lalaji Maharaj emphasised that Nature itself is a reflection of the divine. By observing nature, we can understand the divine principles at work within and around us. This reflection reminds us that our actions towards the environment are sacred and impactful. Our environment can create changes in us at a genetic level and hence have a direct impact on our health and future generations as well. If each of us makes an effort to restore the ecosystems, at the community level and society at large, keeping the pollutants out and using nature’s resources wisely, we are sure to save the environment. The entire universe is a manifestation of the divine. Each element in nature teaches us about simplicity and balance.”

About Heartfulness: Heartfulness offers a simple set of meditative practices and lifestyle changes, first developed at the turn of the twentieth century and formalized into teaching through the Shri Ram Chandra Mission in 1945 in India with a goal to bring peace, happiness, and wisdom to one heart at a time. These practices are a modern form of Yoga designed to support contentment, inner calm, and stillness, compassion, courage, and clarity of thought, as the first step towards a purposeful life. They are simple and easily adopted and are appropriate for people from all walks of life, cultures, religious beliefs, and economic situations, who are over the age of fifteen. Ongoing training in Heartfulness practices continues at thousands of schools and colleges, and over 100,000 professionals are meditating in corporations, non-governmental, and government bodies worldwide. More than 5,000 Heartfulness Centers are supported by many thousands of certified volunteer trainers and millions of practitioners in 160 countries.


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