No Longer Hungry and Angry: Tips to Escape the Hangry Cycle

Tips to prevent hanger, the mix of hunger and anger, with practical advice for maintaining mood and well-being.

Update: 2024-06-25 11:03 GMT

No Longer Hungry and Angry: Tips to Escape the Hangry Cycle

Hanger, the blend of hunger and anger, has a unique ability to turn even the most composed individuals into irritable and easily annoyed people.

In 2018, the term "hangry" was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary, defined as "bad-tempered or irritable due to hunger." When hunger strikes, this condition can cause one to snap at friends, family, or even complete strangers. While feeling hungry is a natural bodily signal that it's time to eat, chronic hunger is a particularly unpleasant experience.

Research shows that the food we consume significantly impacts our mood and mental well-being. Here are some expert tips to keep hanger at bay:

1. Keep Snacks Handy

Always keep healthy snacks on hand, such as fruit, protein bars, or nuts. You can stash them in your car, desk, or backpack for whenever hunger strikes. This simple step can be a lifesaver when you are having a hectic day. And quick, nutritious snacks can help stabilise your blood sugar levels, preventing the irritability and impatience that come with being hangry. Plus, having these healthy options close at hand ensures you make better food choices instead of reaching for unhealthy, convenient alternatives.

2. Choose Satisfying Foods

Avoid sugary and processed snacks. They might seem satisfying initially, but they can leave you feeling hungry soon after. Instead, opt for foods that provide lasting satisfaction and are rich in proteins, such as fish, eggs, chicken, beans, tofu, yogurt, and cheese. These nutrient-dense foods help maintain steady energy levels and keep you feeling fuller for a longer period. If you choose to eat foods that are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and protein, you can prevent the sudden hunger pangs that lead to hanger.

3. Recognise Early Signs

If you notice yourself feeling tired or irritable, it could be an early warning sign of hanger. The quicker you recognise these signs, the sooner you can address them. So, pay attention to your body's signals and learn to differentiate between hunger and other triggers for irritability. If you stay attuned to these early signs, you can take proactive steps to manage your mood and avoid unnecessary conflicts or outbursts caused by hunger.

4. Hydrate First

Sometimes, what feels like hunger is actually thirst in disguise. If you suspect you are hungry but aren’t sure, try drinking a glass of water. Hydrating can temporarily quell your appetite and give you time to prepare a proper meal. This simple habit not only helps you stay hydrated but also ensures you’re not mistaking thirst for hunger. Remember to follow up with a nutritious and satisfying meal to fully address your hunger and keep hanger at bay.

5. Prioritise Meals

Make mealtime a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Skipping meals or delaying them increases your chances of getting hangry. Thus, prioritise scheduled and balanced meals to avoid the energy crashes and irritability that come from prolonged hunger.

6. Manage Stress

Stress is a major contributor to hanger. And when you feel stressed, your body’s demand for energy increases, making you more susceptible to hunger and irritability. Thus, to manage it, incorporate techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or physical activity into your routine. In fact, mindfulness practices and physical exercise also promote better sleep and overall well-being, further helping you manage hunger and mood swings.

7. Balanced Diet

It is important to keep a diet that is balanced and includes a variety of carbs, proteins, and fats. A balanced approach to eating helps prevent the nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to mood swings and hanger, promoting overall well-being.

8. Plan Ahead

Prepare meals and snacks in advance to avoid the temptation of junk food when hunger strikes. This proactive approach helps you stay in control of your diet and maintain consistent energy levels, reducing the risk of hanger-induced mood swings.


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