HYDRAA Chief Visits 2 Lakes
HYDRAA Chief Visits 2 Lakes

Hyderabad: HYDRAA Commissioner AV Ranganath visited Kamuni Cheruvu and Maisamma Cheruvu today and issued directives to protect the lakes and address encroachments. The commissioner emphasised that only structures built after July 2024 will be demol-ished.
He added even if they are legal or illegal, structures predating this period will re-main untouched. He assured local Raghavendra Colony dwellers that no action will be initiated against old structures.
During the visit, Commissioner Ranganath ordered officials to remove any recent en-croachments and take measures to protect the lake bunds. He also instructed Vasavi Sa-rovar developers not to proceed with construction unless a 17-metre-wide nala, as man-dated, is constructed.