Customs’ Open Day on Wednesday
Vizag Trade & Industry can get their grievances redressed from Customs and Central Tax
Customs’ Open Day on Wednesday

Hyderabad: The Office of the Chief Commissioner of Customs and Central Tax, Visakhapatnam zone, has announced every working Wednesday as ‘Open Day’ for grievance redressal of Trade and Industries bodies.
The practice followed earlier was permitting any member of trade and industry to meet the senior officers of the Department of Customs and GST on a particular day of the week without any prior appointment, to resolve pending matters.
However, as a part of the trade facilitation measure, the members can now meet any senior officer of the Department on every working Wednesday without prior appointment to voice out their grievance, an official release from the Office of the Chief Commissioner mentioned.
For the Department to process the resolution faster, the visiting members have been directed to bring in a brief written summary of their grievance and specifically indicating with whom or where the matter has been held up.
The Department further informed that the members of the Trade and Industry Associations are requested to make use of this opportunity to bring in focus any pending issues with the department, and publicise this facility by informing other members.