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Valentine Offerings From Platinum Guild

Valentine Offerings From Platinum Guild

Valentine Offerings From Platinum Guild

14 Feb 2025 10:18 AM IST

Platinum Guild International (PGI) said Platinum Love Bands are apt for celebrating this Valentine’s Day. Crafted from 95 per cent pure and exceptionally rare platinum, which is found in only a select few locations worldwide, and 30 times rarer than gold, Platinum Love Bands are not just jewellery; they are the ultimate symbol of love, it said.

With their contemporary designs, Platinum Love Bands celebrate modern relationship values -cherishing each other’s individuality, celebrating mutual successes, and equally sharing life’s

responsibilities. Platinum’s unparalleled strength ensures it doesn’t change form or lose its natural white, mirroring the resilience and constancy of a love that is truly one of a kind. Just as platinum

endures without fading, so does the love it symbolizes - unwavering and eternal, it added. Platinum Love Bands by PGI India are available across leading jewellery retail stores in the country.

PGI is a marketing organisation with the vision to develop the global platinum jewellery market as a new demand source for platinum. It was formed in 1975 with specialist teams dedicated to growing the global platinum jewellery market through consumer and trade-facing programmes in the four key jewellery markets of China, India, Japan and USA. Since then, jewellery development has demonstrated a strong track record in delivering results. Through various programmes, both direct-to-consumer and in collaboration with jewellery retailers and manufacturers, PGI creates consumer ounce demand by first identifying opportunities for platinum in jewellery, and then developing them with partners.

Platinum Love Bands Valentine’s Day jewellery PGI India Platinum jewellery Symbol of love 
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